

Did you know Catch A Lift has a fitness and nutrition app?

Catch A Lift now provides MyPTHub to our veteran members for tracking fitness and nutrition. This great app can be used from both your cell phone or computer! This fantastic app has a wide range of features such including:

How do I use the app?
Just use the form below to sign up. If you have your own programming you can join the app and begin logging your workouts and nutrition immediately.

If you need workouts, join one or all of our fitness groups! When you join a CAL fitness group, you’ll get access to preloaded workouts. You may also have a coach who will continually update your app with new workouts.

There are also several nutrition plans available. Select those that interest you. You can always add more later.

Please note this is not one on one coaching. CAL has a strict accountability protocol that goes with one on one coaching. If you are interested in one on one coaching please email Coach Melissa to learn more about the accountability requirements.

    Your Name:

    Your Email:

    Optional Message:

    Click below to choose any workout groups and nutrition plans you want preloaded on your individual app. (you may choose more than one workout group and nutrition plan) *check back often as we continue to add more options!


    CrossfitStrengthKettlebellsTRXStretchingHIITBandsSandbagsNo Workouts Needed


    MaintenanceBulkFat LossPlant BasedFastingNo Meal Plan

    Video Demonstrations
    These video demostrations should help you get started. If you have any technical problems feel free to email for support.

    Getting Started

    Logging Custom Nutrition

    Logging Custom Workouts